Friday, March 19, 2010

Flying Day

*YAWN!* Are yawns contagious over the internet? Some people actually say that just by reading the word "yawn" will influence you to let one rip within the next few minutes. I think I read that from "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference" by Malcolm Gladwell. Interesting book.
So, I'm sitting here at YVR banging out this entry. Security and check-in was flawless. No, I did not get my nude picture taken by that new x-ray camera. :P I think that's only for US flight? I think I'm here too early, I thought my flight was at 1pm, but it was actually 1:40pm. Oh well, I have a laptop, internet access and I am happy :DD. 

The vague plan right now is that my cousin Frank will pick me up from the airport when I land on Saturday afternoon. Not taking the 450km/hr MagLev ( this time, but I recommend it to all travellers. It's cheap (discount if u show them ur boarding pass) and it is a very smooth and quick ride. There is a digital speedo that tells you what speed the train is travelling at and the banking during the turns is surreal! The whole outside world looks like it is about to flip over! Anyway, we'll drive to my grandma's and have dinner there. I will probably meet up with my friend's friend Tiffany after that to show her around Shanghai? We'll play it by ear.
On Sunday, I think I am heading to my cousin's to see her new daughter! ("new" daughter haha) My second niece! I'm SO excited about that. I bought her some Olympic baby clothes, a mukmuk with mittens, and a BIG Quatchi. :D 

My cousin Frank and I are also planning to go to ChengDu ( early next week. He is going there on business and I'd be tagging along. No idea where ChengDu is exactly but it is in the Sichuan province (spicy foods) and it is near where that huge Chinese earthquake happened a few years ago. Should be fun!

Time to grab some food, getting hungry. I really hope this email blogging thing works from China. With any luck, you will hear from me again in a dozen or so hours. See you then! 

P.S. Leave me some comments to let me know that you can read my China posts eh! I will get an email for each comment you leave, so I can hear from you all that way!

Don't miss a beat Get Messenger on your phone


  1. Hi Etwurt! Great idea to write a blog while you're in SH. Have a safe trip! Remember the movie we just watched! :o

  2. Yeh! go Edward go! have a fun & safe trip!
