Wednesday, March 24, 2010

To Travel China is to Eat China

First dinner in ChengDu was epic. Mr. Zhang, my cousin`s friend, took me to a tiny and disgustingly dirty restaurant that served authentic local food. I've had frogs before but never like this! A huge pot full! It was delicious tho! It's meat tastes like fish cheeks, which is like fish meat but a little more chewy. Yummy!

Mr. Zhang is my cousin Frank's old friend from back in Shanghai. He moved out here for work and do business. He studied law in university and he is THE perfect tour guide for ChengDu. He knew all the great tiny restaurants, the cool laid back bars, the pumping hot spots. Plus, he is about the same age as my cousin, 36, but he has a 23 year old girl friend. LOL You get the idea.

The bunnies were good too. Mr. Zhang explicitly told the waitress to make it not spicy, repeating it 4 times, because he knows that it will still come spicy. Sure enough, it was, but it was bearable spicy for me. I don't eat crazy spicy foods, but I can handle a decent amount. It was good too!

Dinner was capped off with some Ume. Yes, plum wine. It is not as strong as the Japanese plum wine we get at our japanese restaurants, but it is just as good. 3RMB for a highball, about $0.40. Hahaha I had 2. 

In case you were wondering if I got sick from eating the weird and dirty foods, I did not! Not for the entire trip, and I`ve ate some pretty weird shit up to now!

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1 comment:

  1. $0.40!?!!? wtf! and you only had 2. disappointed! hahah.

    dirty eh? doesn't "look" dirty. frogs as in "tin gai", when i tried it, i was surprised that it's actually quite good!!

    ahh cheap food. i want some of that here!! : P
